General FAQ

What is an Electronic Signature (e-Signature)?

An electronic signature is 'an electronic indication of intent to approve or agree to the contents of an electronic document or form. A legal digital way to sign a document.
With Quicklysign, you are able to have all your documents signed, without your clients needing to print, scan or fax.

How secure are electronic signatures?

The process of gathering electronic signatures from multiple people can be tracked to ensure compliance. The document cannot be altered in any way ensuring originality. Quicklysign also provides a detailed audit trail that logs all events and actions taken by everyone who participated in the signing process.

Quicklysign makes sure documents are managed, signed and delivered to all parties involved in a secure manner.


Legal FAQ


Are e-Signatures legal?

Legislation defining electronic signatures and digital contracting have been adopted worldwide since 2000. 
South African authorities followed suit and paved the way for digital contracting through the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act - Act 25 of 2002. 

Most countries have realised how burdensome ink signatures have become in our fast-paced and globalised economy: Ink signatures slow down the contracting process and create a paper management problem.

Quicklysign consults with Michalsons and Associates, to ensure all our legal requirements are met and we stay permanently in line with legislation.

 E-signatures in:

ECTA (Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002)

Section 2(3) of the Consumer Protection Act

Section 1 (12) of the Companies Act.

Countries where electronic signatures are equal
to handwritten signatures under the law

Europe: the European Union and Switzerland

Asia: Hong Kong, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, United Arab Emirates

Africa: South Africa

The Americas: United States, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Peru

Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

Disclaimer: Our overview of electronic signature laws should not constitute as legal advice. Please contact a lawyer for legal advice. 


If you require further information please go to or
contact and we will assist you.


What documents can be signed?

There a re a lot of documents that can be signed by a multitude of industries.

You can see a list of some documents here.