Electronic Signatures and Business


Over the last 10 years, with the rapid and constant improvement and lowering costs of infrastructure in Africa, conducting business online has become cheaper and easier than ever.

Tech savvy customers and clients are now well aware of the resources available online and are more reliant on technology than ever before. Laptops, tablets and smart phones allow you to take your office with you wherever you go and even when in the office the majority of communication and workflow can be handled digitally. 

Unfortunately one of the remaining paper based activities is the signing of documents and agreements. We create documents digitally, email and share the documents electronically, but when we need a signature on a document we have to use paper and print then scan or fax. 

The need to capture a legally binding signature causes a break from the digital process and although a paper based physical copy is signed, the scanned digital copy often becomes the best means of safe keeping with the paper copy becoming obsolete. Often the same document is printed multiple times with only the final fully signed document being saved.

This inefficiency is why electronic signatures have been introduced as the final connection that completes the digital loop. Technology allows a secure and authentic electronic signature to be captured and legislation has been introduced to make electronic signatures legally binding.

With e-signature solutions being cloud-based, any device with an internet connection can be used and individuals and companies are no longer reliant on printers and scanners. This means that all companies can decrease document processing time dramatically and all documents are automatically saved and stored online.

With electronic signatures, closing the deal is no longer limited to standard business hours in the office. Deals can be signed and sealed any time, anywhere, which means you really can do business on the golf course or lounging at the pool. The choice is yours. 

Sign up for our 14 day free trial to see how Quicklysign can benefit your company. 

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