Quick Tip Tuesday: Reminder Emails

People are busy and in todays fast paced world we sometimes need a little reminder to get things back on track. With email inboxes over flowing, bringing your signing request back to the top of the list is important.

Something to remember is that Quicklysign is a business tool and does not replace your normal lines of communication. Ensure your client knows to expect the signing request from Quicklysign. Tell them to check their spam folder if they did not receive it and give them a call to check that they have prioritised signing your document.

We've made signing documents easier but every now and then one of your clients will need a little push and the reminder email can certainly help.

Since launching this feature it's been a big help to those customers who have documents that need multiple people signing. Often you wait on one person to sign, which in effect holds up the entire process.

To send a reminder, open the document that is awaiting signature. The resend email button is green and is at the top of the document to the right of each signatory. When you click this button a reminder email is immediately sent to only that person. The email is the same as the first signing request they received. If they do not receive the email then ask them to check their spam folder.

The best time to send a reminder email is sooner rather than later! If you are sending them a private email or giving them a call then send a reminder so they don’t have to search for the first email.

We've found that a reminder within a week of the first email is most effective. If its important to complete the document (which it normally is) then resending the email shows the urgency. The longer you wait to send the reminder the easier it is to put off for another day. So strike while the iron is hot as they say. Don't leave the reminders too long.

Before clicking resend, check if the email address is spelt correctly on Quicklysign. If it is incorrect then you can change it. The edit details button next to the resend mail button is there to correct the spelling (Name or email address) and the signing request email can be resent.

If a document is time sensitive or holding up your progress then use the reminder to get things back on track. This feature will most certainly help you get your documents completed and signed as quickly as possible so don't be scared to use it.


Image Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/3oheme/5141328136


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